Wrong. Unfortunately, the possibilities of an October Surprise won’t end until November 7. And our mummified major media won’t clue you in on it, but things are heating up in the Persian Gulf:
The US navy has conducted military exercises ([beginning] 30th of October) 20 miles outside Iranian territorial waters in the Persian Gulf. The war games were perceived by Tehran as an act of provocation. Iranian patrol boats came very close to US and coalition warships in the Persian Gulf.
Naval deployment under the "global war on terrorism" is occurring on several fronts: in the Eastern Mediterranean,... along the Syrian-Lebanese coast, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean ... and Red Sea....
According to Debka, the Israeli intelligence think tank, the objective of the deployment of US warships is "to prepare for a US-led military strike against Iran ….”
According to Debka, there have been warnings of "impending al Qaeda attacks on the oil fields, oil ports, oil tankers and oil fields of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian oil emirates." These alleged Al Qaeda attacks on oil facilities in the Persian Gulf are part of the disinformation process. … What the Debka report suggests is that if such a terrorist attack were to occur, this would provide a pretext to the US to wage war on Iran, on the grounds that the Tehran government is allegedly protecting the Al Qaeda network.
THE AUTHOR of the article above, Michel Chossudovsky, is also author of the international best seller, America’s "War on Terrorism." He is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization. MORE >>>
Put into plain English, folks, here’s what’s going down:
Rummy and Gang wanna take over the world (they haven’t really made much of a secret of this; go read their Project for the New American Century website). Iraq was Step 1. Iran seems to be shaping up as Step 2. But Americans in general would sooner eat flies than take over the world. Not a problem! Americans can be coaxed into it with half truths and downright lies. Owning the mainstream media helps a whole whaleload.
1 comment:
In Canada there are peace demonstrations. The public is becoming quite unhappy of the way our Prime Minister has our troops fighting ... and dying.
Love Barbara
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