First, the Celtic Christmas, celebrated on Dec. 21, is called “Alban Arthuan” (Winter Solstice).
Second, according to this website, King Arthur was born on December 21.*
Doesn’t that turn Arthur into Jesus Christ -- the hero who at the darkest hour comes to save us all from Evil?
Thing is, since Arthur isn’t plunked into the same rule book with Yahweh “the … psychotic delinquent,”** he’s bound to be Big-Time better than Jesus.
Arthur of course picked up his power not from a psychotic delinquent, but from from the Great Guiding Goddess.
According to Barbara Walker, King Arthur’s mother was the Triple Goddess. “Arthur lost his sacred mana when he lost his queen, the Triple Goddess incarnate in Guinevere, who was really three Guineveres according to the Welsh Triads” (TWEMS, p. 61).
Have you heard this before -- that King Arthur was the British Jesus Christ?
It seems as obvious as the pointy dunce cap perched on Dubya’s head!!! Why didn’t we see it before?!
Or, am I just the last to see it? Hee, hee.
*“The name 'Arthuan' is interesting in relation to Arthurian legend, as King Arthur was believed to have been born on the Winter Solstice in Castle Tintagel in Cornwall”.
**Dawkins, The God Delusion, 2006: 38.
Thnx to Peter-Noster for the foto; go here for more.