Saturday, April 18, 2015


I feel Goddess crying colossal crocodile tears when she spies us giving strangers the cold shoulder.  Among us, the idea of loving strangers is taboo:  

Strangers ... enter our lives already under suspicion. We disqualify entire human beings from the possibility of our respect or forgiveness the moment they fail to use a turn signal, or wear a baseball cap in the wrong kind of eating establishment.”
“We are suspicious of people who advocate loving or caring for no reason. We think of them as hippies or New-Agers.... being indiscriminate with your love is an embarrassment. 
“The world changes tones completely when we actively view strangers ... with love as a default attitude. It changes your experience of everything involving strangers: traffic, concerts, business transactions, restaurants, walks down the street, and even someone’s bad taste in clothes or lawn ornaments.
“Whenever you notice yourself feeling annoyed by a stranger, decide to forgive the apparent offense, and, for the few minutes you’re in each others presence, commit to helping them if they need help....  [A]t the very least, hope that the rest of their day goes well for them.
“[T]hink about what the stranger next to you might be hoping for, and see if you can quietly share that hope.  That small habit is all it would take to transform the world."

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