Tuesday, February 05, 2008


This morning I woke to find an email from Goddess author Vicki Noble* in my mailbox. Here's part of it:

Hillary stands her ground.

Until recently, I seriously doubted that she would be any different from anyone else in the White House (look at Condoleesa Rice), figuring that when women rise to the top of the male-dominated pyramid of power, they kind of have to become pseudo-men....

But, I confess that a year or two ago I began putting Hillary's image on my Dakini collages, especially ones I made as offerings to the Black Dakini, and I thought at the time that was uncharacteristically hopeful of me. It was my inner mind at work, I think, preparing me in advance for this whole-hearted support I'm beginning to feel for her in this presidential race....

My support has to do with the way she has withstood the indignities of the public scrutiny she has had to endure over the years. (They don't like her hair, they don't like it that she doesn't bake cookies, just give me a break.) No matter what level of ruthless misogyny (woman-hating) is directed at her, she rises above it. She "subdues the demons with splendor." She gets bigger than her adversaries. She stays herself and keeps the focus. She is smart and funny, and for some profound reason that I doubt very much has to do with "power," she wants to be president and try to make a difference.

What woman would want to do this? A Dakini, that's who. A woman with a global mission, born to manifest herself (even sacrifice herself) in service to the world.
Me? I’m purely selfish. I want a person with enough power to mop up the lethal mess Bushy's left in his wake (especially re: climate change and WMD), and with enough ferocity to fight the snarling beast the Republican Party has morphed into.
And somehow the power-team of Hillary and Bill come to mind. Barack and Michelle Obama, Goddess love them, have almost no experience, and although Barack is exactly the kind of guy we all want to live next door to, does he have the speed, agility and smarts to dodge the axe that’s about to be pitched at the head of the Democratic nominee?
*Vicki is author of several books on the Goddess including Shakti Woman: Feelling Our Fire, Healing Our World and Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess through Myth, Art and Tarot.
Thnx to konjure for the foto; go HERE to see more.


BBC said...

Me? I’m purely selfish. I want a person with enough power to mop up the lethal mess Bushy's left in his wake (especially re: climate change and WMD), and with enough ferocity to fight the snarling beast the Republican Party has morphed into.

Do you have any idea how many bombs that person would have to have? I would love to help you out but being a peace loving man I never did learn how to make bombs.

Maybe that was a mistake on my part.

Athana said...

But BBC, why'd you immediately equate "power" with "bombs"? I think you just helped prove a point I made in an earlier post:

Oct. 22, 2005: "Women, says Noble, should be governing society, and there’s a biological basis for this. Like Bolen (see yesterday’s post), Noble cites the recent UCLA study showing that men and women react differently to stress. With men it’s “fight or flight.” With women, on the other hand, it’s “tend and befriend.” (So, who do you want running your world – people who either fight or run away from bad stuff? Or people who form bonds and tend to one another?)"