Monday, March 20, 2006


Holy shades of the ancient Minoans! This modern religion, begun in 1981 and based on an early religious group called the Essenes, worships both a Goddess and a God. It’s now located in North Carolina, but you can access them easily through the internet in all kinds of ways. These dudes say Jesus was not Jewish, and was not originally hooked up with the Hebrew Old Testament:


“The Order of Nazorean Essenes … worships a Nature Goddess called Simat Hiya....

“Our Goddess worship has some similarities to the general Goddess worshipping [religions] throughout the Middle East in the late Bronze age, as practiced in the Minoan civilization, Pre-historic Greece, among the Caananites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians, and the Nabataeans, but it is not exactly the same….


“…The false assumption that Jesus was raised as, and was a reformer of, the Jewish religion. Jesus was not Jewish nor did He accept the Bible as true. Jesus was a vegetarian of the Gnostic Nazorean sect and the New Testament is not an authentic or accurate portrayal of his life or teachings.”


“Our Priest(ess)hood is composed of both men and women and we worship a male and female form of both Deity and Messiah…. We offer online Catechisms of our Nazorean Way to train potential members of our Order in our doctrines and practices. After graduating from this online Seminary, men and woman are eligible to request formal ordination into Nazorean Priest(ess)hood, should they wish to do so.


“By the end of the year 2003 official Order membership exceeded 1100 in number. By the end of 2004 this number had grown to almost 2000…. MORE >>>

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