Saturday, October 14, 2006


It's an October day-and-a-half over here in Maine! Duncan sends you all his warmest regards and wettest kisses.

My sister always complains you can't see Mr. Dunk's eyes in the photos I take. So I asked him to pose for this closeup:

Gave Mr. D a buzz cut for the summer, but as you can see, he's busily busy growing a new coat for the cold weather that's fast slapping at our heels around here.

May Goddess and Her plants and animals kiss us all, and may we show ourselves worthy of their gifts. So be it.


Anti-thesisofreason said...

Just be glad you're not in Buffalo NY right now
We had about two feet of snow here on Thursday. Still recovering. Over 200,000 without electricity between Buffalo and Niagara Falls NY!
This is another first for Buffalo NY, a snow storm in October!


Athana said...

So I saw, just a few minutes ago on the local news here. Hope you can keep your power on.

Our crazy weather is just one more reason it's so vital to get out and vote sane people into Congress in three weeks -- people who can make at least some headway on our environmental problems.

Morgaine said...

So mote it be! Of course, I haven't seen daylight in about a week, but I'm glad it's nice out!