Friday, October 27, 2006


Last I looked, thieves were on top of the list of people who will end by dropping down those long, black stairs into the GodFather's fiery pits of burning pitch and eternal torments.

So I guess in a few years the Bush Crime Family will be dropping down those very stairs.

Haven’t you, like me, been scratching your head over why we haven’t been hearing about election reform since Bushlet (almost certainly) stole the last two elections?

Turns out the man Bushy himself put in charge of election reform, DeForest Soaries, said he tried. Got nowhere. Said neither the White House nor Congress was serious about election reform. In a taped interview that never got aired, he’s using words like “charade” and “travesty.” Go HERE to read about the whole sordid mess.

I’m madder than hell. Why don’t you and I know the name of this guy? Why hasn’t the mainstream media been airing him?

And why wouldn’t the White House and their lap-dog Congress be interested in fixing the no-paper-trail problem? Even if they didn’t steal the last two elections, it certainly shows they’re verrrry interested in stealing elections.

Please get out and vote. Drag a friend or two with you. To get these head lice out of our hair we can’t just win on Nov. 7 – we have to win big.
The pic is DeForest Soares. Republican Baptist minister. Selected by Bush to fix our elections so they can't be tampered with. Soares said he tried, said Bush stood on both his feet whenever he tried to move.


Anne Johnson said...

My old friend Mr. Applegate says that Bush has good intentions. And we all know what road those pave.

Morgaine said...

Anne- can you put in a word with Mr. Applegate to come and collect Bushie ASAP?