Tuesday, October 24, 2006


If we want to save the Earth, Mother-ness must become our model. For men as well as women. But here’s what Jean Shinoda Bolen has to say about it:

Until women are equal partners in setting values, it is not safe for boys and men to be feeling and nurturing people without suffering from patriarchal judgments that they are not man enough. Patriarchy is endangering all species and the planet itself. Mother Earth and mothers need women to set the priorities, take care of the resources, and stop wars and other abuses of power.”
From Urgent Message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World. 2005. Jean Shinoda Bolen, p. 97. This book "… is a message from Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Mother archetype. The words evoke an intuitive recognition, a wisdom whose time has come….” From Jean Bolen’s website.
Thnx to the ancient non-violent Minoans for the pic of the boxing boys. Minoans worshipped female divinity and had a 1000-year peace record, but their men were still what we'd call 'manly' even today: active, smart, strong, and always looking for a risk to take, a challenge.

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