This weblog is dedicated to the Goddess and to saving the planet -- by gently replacing God the Father with God the Mother by the year 2035. Too simplistic? Nope, I don't think so. Female deities are role models for unconditional love. Violent sky/war gods are dangerous, to men as well as women. People are biologically programmed to need religion of one kind or another. (BTW, "thea"=Goddess, "theo"=god)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
"Instead of going after Osama, we invaded Iraq. Now W. says we must stay in Iraq or it will be run by Osamas. We must kill all the terrorists we are creating." Maureen Dowd NYTimes
hey! thanks for the nod! cool site by the way.
Some of them are children too. I guess my daughters would probably become terrorists if some foreign invader shot me.
In fact, as a member of the D.A.R., I can say that it has happened in my family before.
In other words, anne, the Brits killed one of your great, great, great etc. grandparents, and his or her child became a 1776 Patriot? Great analogy!
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