Saturday, April 29, 2006

Happy Beltane!

Beltane aka May Day is upon us! Selena Fox tells you everything you've ever wanted to know about our sacred rebirth-of-the-earth celebration. Here's a bit about the maypole:

"Forms include pole, tree, bush, cross; communal or household; permanent or annual. * In Germany, fir tree was cut on May Eve by young unmarried men, branches removed, decorated, put up in village square, & guarded all night until dance occurred on May Day. * In England, permanent Maypoles were erected on village greens * In some villages, there also were smaller Maypoles in the yards of households. * Maypole ribbondances, with two circles interweaving; around decorated bush/tree, clockwise circle dances." MORE>>>


Anne Johnson said...

Just returned from a Beltane May Day dance, where I, geezer that I am, was crowned May Queen! And to think there were teenagers there!

This was another Celtic holiday that never died until the Communists started having big labor parades on May 1.

Athana said...

Queen of the May?!? You have been triply, nay, quadruply honored, anne johnson! You must be shooting off Sacred Sparks of Beltane powerful enough to catch the notice even of the Goddess of the May!

Here at RGT, we are proud to know you.

Morgaine said...

Merry Beltane, Sister!

Congratulations, Anne!

Anne Johnson said...

I think it's because I'm wacko enough to take in orphaned kittens.