THINGS YOU CAN DO to flip the switch OFF on the war gods and ON to the Goddess: African People -- Find your ancient guiding goddesses, figure out to the best of your ability who they were and what they stood for, and then return to them.
Americans, North, South and Central Indigenous -- Find your ancient guiding goddesses, figure out to the best of your ability who they were and what they stood for, and then return to them.
Anthropologists – Investigate and publish your findings on the relationship between female deity and societal health.
Archaeologists – Uncover the ancient guiding goddesses in every modern country and put your information in a book updated annually as new information arises; translate this book into all major world languages.
Artists – Create images of the Guiding Goddess to adorn books, people’s homes, and our public buildings.
Asian People – Find your ancient guiding goddesses, figure out to the best of your ability who they were and what they stood for, and then return to them.
Atheists – Keep up the good work of explaining how deadly the war gods have been to humans and the rest of the earth; understand, however, that since no human group has ever existed without religion (and religion based on the supernatural at that), you have scant chance of converting the world to atheism.
Bloggers – Start a blog on the Goddess.
Catholic Church – For starters, begin gathering all the books you’ve littered the world with; bestow them on Africans who can’t afford firewood.
Children’s Authors – Write children’s books about the Guiding Goddesses. Rewrite our fairy tales so that the Goddess is no longer disguised as a “fairy godmother,” “Mother Holde,” or “Mary Mother of God.”
Chinese People -- Find your ancient guiding goddesses and switch back to them.
Christian Congregations -- Switch from Jehovah to your ancient Guiding Goddess; publish and disseminate a manual on how you made the switch.
Christian Moderates – Take responsibility for disbanding your Reconstructionists and others who openly admit they want to replace democracy with war-god theocracy.
Christians – For starters, apologize to the descendants of the millions of people worldwide who in the name of Christ you’ve tortured and murdered.
College Professors – Teach courses on the guiding goddesses today and throughout history.
Comedians – Write a gentle, sympathetic family sitcom about a goddess-following family.
Educators – Demand, purchase and use textbooks that include information on both the good and the evil done by the war-god religions.
European People -- Find your ancient guiding goddesses, figure out to the best of your ability who they were and what they stood for, and then return to them.
E-zine Creators – Start an e-zine on the Guiding Goddess.
Feminists – Understand that rather than being a hindrance to the world, the guiding goddesses can save us.
Film producers – Produce films and documentaries about the guiding goddesses.
Genealogists – Help people find ancestors who were underground followers of a guiding goddess.
Goddess Community leaders – Organize email and letter-writing campaigns demanding equal representation on panel discussions re: religion, politics and war.
Goddess followers – Take the time to understand the difference between a healthy guiding goddess and goddesses who are merely war-god makeovers.
Goddess Followers – Stand with your heads high! When your religion reigned, the world was a far, far better place than it’s ever been since.
Historians – Publish books and articles on the history of the guiding goddesses.
Hindus – Switch from your current pantheons back to your ancient guiding goddesses, the ones you followed during your magnificent, peaceful and equalitarian Indus Valley Civilization.
Japanese – Switch from your current gods and goddesses back to the Guiding Goddess you followed during your stunningly peaceful and egalitarian Jomon Era.
Jewish Religious Moderates – Take responsibility for disbanding your fundamentalists.
Jewish Congregations – Switch from Yahweh to your ancient Guiding Goddess; publish and disseminate a manual on how you made the switch.
Middle Easterners -- Find your ancient guiding goddesses, figure out to the best of your ability who they were and what they stood for, and then return to them.
Mothers – Whisper to your children from birth on never to follow a war god.
Musicians – Write and perform songs about the Guiding Goddess.
Muslim Moderates – Take responsibility for disbanding your fundamentalists.
Muslim Congregations -- Switch from Allah to your ancient Guiding Goddess; publish and disseminate a manual on how you made the switch.
Parents – Teach your children how societies of guiding-goddess followers blossom and prosper. Teach the extreme dangers of starvation and war-god culture.
Parents – Teach your daughters it’s their duty to become strong and wise enough to help lead the world; teach your sons it’s their duty to be strong and wise enough to move over and give girls an equal place at all tables.
Parents, New – Start from its birth whispering to your baby that it shall never follow a war god or support a war-god’s wars.
Peace Organizations – Read, research, and disseminate information on the relationship between the Guiding Goddess and non-violence.
Philanthropists – Start think tanks on how the world can switch from war gods to guiding goddesses.
Playwrights – Write plays about the guiding goddesses and the necessity of the Switch.
Political Activists – Form a Goddess Party focused on the abolition of all status hierarchy, social violence, egocentric selfishness, and sensual prudery.
Psychologists – Study starvation culture and the variety of effects it has on individuals.
Publishers – Publish books, magazines and newspapers on the Guiding Goddess.
Readers – Read books, magazines and e-zines about the guiding goddesses; if you can’t find any, write publishers and ask why they’re not publishing on the Guiding Goddess.
Researchers – Research the guiding goddesses.
Sacred Circle Experts – Start a sacred circle centering on the Guiding Goddess, or one or more guiding goddesses.
Science Fiction Writers – Hugely important job for you: create a world placed in the near future in which the war gods are gone and all are following a guiding mother goddess; of course all your characters will have problems, but no one in the world will experience any of the following problems: war, violence, snooty snobbism, political repression, bully-wimps, me-first scroogism, boot-lickers of the rich, slavery, sexual fear, sexual uptightness, poverty or hunger.
Seminarians – Publish manuals on ways your church, temple, synagogue or mosque can make the switch from God to Goddess.
Seminary Board Members – Begin now converting your seminary to one that centering on Guiding Goddess versus the war gods.
Sociologists -- Research and disseminate information about the relationship between starvation culture, our subconscious fear of never having enough, and the inability of much of the world to avoid war.
Study Circle Experts – Start a study circle on the Goddess.
Television Producers – Create a television show about the Guiding Goddess.
Television Watchers – Write to television networks and producers demanding shows about the guiding goddesses.
Website Creators – Start a website on the Goddess.
Writers – Write and publish about the guiding goddesses.
Thnx to xerxespersepolis & for the foto, "Victoria goddess in an athlete's hand, Vatican Museums"