Let’s count
on one hand the number of religions that strut around town trumpeting, “Do religion
our way, or we’ll cut you off at the knees”:
1. Christianity
2. Islam
3. ???
4. ????
5. ??
This weblog is dedicated to the Goddess and to saving the planet -- by gently replacing God the Father with God the Mother by the year 2035. Too simplistic? Nope, I don't think so. Female deities are role models for unconditional love. Violent sky/war gods are dangerous, to men as well as women. People are biologically programmed to need religion of one kind or another. (BTW, "thea"=Goddess, "theo"=god)
“In Christianity it is death that laughs, the devil laughs, and mermaids laugh; the Christian God never laughs. ‘Christ never laughed,’ the artist A.A. Ivanov remarked to Turgenev, while painting his Christ….” (from Theory and History of Folklore, by the great Russian folklorist Vladimir Propp, 1984, p. 137).
“...In life, [according to ancient Pagan religion], we observe the command to laugh…. The thought goes still further: laughter is endowed not only with the power to accompany life but also with the power to call it forth” (Propp, p. 131).