Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Time to look over and tweak (if we need to) our switching-from-god-to-Goddess timeline. Here it is, from last December 23:

Remember loyal readers, we have only 20 years left to reach our goal of “…replacing God the Father with God the Mother by the year 2025.” If you want to review the … Timeline (authored last August by Morgaine [at The-Goddess] and Athana…), here it is again:


2005 -- [the current situation]: Goddess religion just becoming known, has low membership, not taken seriously, almost no media presence, national/international leaders/activists like Starhawk are not given media coverage, little sense of ourselves as a defined group, no sense of "solidarity."

Women archaeologists afraid to speak out for fear of losing jobs. Our culture is addicted to war, and corporate America makes huge profits from the war economy. Monotheistic Fundamentalist sects in America and the Middle East are warring each other. Threat of nuclear and biological war looms. Christian Fundamentalists want to bring down Armaggedon and move culture backwards in sciences and social development, advocate oppression of women as reproductive slaves.

2006 -- LOBBY FEMINIST GROUPS to Rally American women around the threat to Roe v. Wade. Three-day work strike by all pro-choice women, and sypathizers organized to coincide with Alito confirmation hearings.

New MEMEs: Women's Autonomy Movement
Sexual Sovereignty Movement
Mother's Revolution
Earth Lives
Grow with Gaia

If an unacceptable candidate is confirmed, organize mass exodus from Democratic Party to Green Party, or a Women's party is formed.

2006 Internet bloggers start an underground revolution among the mothers of the world, by telling them this: "Since Goddess equals peace and gods equal war, the way to keep your sons and daughters alive past age 18 is to teach them your old Goddess religions." The revolution enlists major feminist and peace groups, creates a "buzz" about the Goddess.

A few of our leaders begin speaking prominently in national and international media outlets -- Possibilities: Riane Eisler; Carol Christ, Starhawk, Joan Marler, Shekhinah Mountainwater, Zsuzsana Budapest, Athana, Morgaine et al.

Email and letter writing campaigns by Pagan/Goddess community begin to demand representation on panel discussions regarding religion, politics, war.

Groups of us begin doing Ghandi-like interventions at leadership meetings of the god peoples (starting with those easier to reach, i.e., UUs and Methodists versus Southern Baptists?). Requests are made to serve as mediators between warring factions.

2006-2007 -- Goddess Worshippers now have the beginnings of a media presence (Internet, podcasts, radio, TV drama, TV talk shows, documentaries, 1-2 full-length feature films). Subjects to concentrate on: Gaia Hypothesis; the Goddess*Peace/gods*war connection, Goddess Herstory.

Goddess people lead the way in shift from competition to cooperation; advocate sustainable energy resources; Demand an end to Corporate Welfare, and greater social justice.

2007-- Morgaine's book is published and Gaians begin to demand that Matriarchal history and matrifocal theory be taught in schools of anthropology, archeology, women's studies, and high school classes addressing ancient and American history.

2008 -- The first Goddess minister/priestess runs for political office; San Francisco has first Goddess-worshipping mayor.

2010-- Gaia Hypothesis appears everywhere in direct opposition to Intelligent Design "theory".

First Pagan sitcom. Goddess references common in pop culture and media

-- Several distinct Goddess "Sects" are now well known (probably several Dianic, Aphrodesian, Wiccan, a few Druidic, others based on Carol Christ's brand of Goddess worship, Solitaries organize into hives and cells.)

2012 -- First National Goddess Conferences held -- with strong media coverage, Representative from Congress in attendance.

Across the planet, self-proclaimed Goddess worshippers now number in the millions.

2013 Proclaimed International Year of the Goddess.

2015-- Iraq, which is just now beginning to recover from the 2005 U.S. invasion, is the last Muslim country to replace Allah with The Goddess Inanna. (Hee)

2020 Half the members of Congress are Gaians/Priestesses

-- A "Let's Start Over Pact" is signed by Israel and Palestine, since both countries now realize that their former animosities were initiated and fueled by their old, outmoded beliefs in warrior gods.

2024 -- The Mother's Revolution begun by internet bloggers in 2006 is now 18 years old. Millions of babies born in 2006 were secretly taught Goddess religion (= peace), and all of them would refuse to fight in any war -- even if one were proposed, which it isn't, since Godfather religion is gone from the world. Ninety percent of the world either worships Goddess/es, or are atheist/agnostic. War is seen as primitive, barbaric. Every school in every nation teaches mediation skills. Matriarchy is the preferred form of family order everywhere. Children are commonly named after either or both parents.

2025 - All nations have universal health care. Starvation is a thing of the past. Peace reigns in Africa, where the Matriarchal revolutions have created new woman-centered villages with cooperatives throughout the world. Peace, in fact, reigns the world over.
Things to add? Drop? Change?


Anne Johnson said...

I especially like the part about the mass exodus to the Green Party. Democrats and Republicans both stink the same to me.

Morgaine said...

Well, considering my block, I'd push the publication of my book back to 2008.

It occurs to me that some of the early things are actually happening. Starhawk is participating in a religious round table thing on the Washington Post, and she has a presence on Beliefnet. MomsRising is advocating keeping kids safe from war. References to Wicca and Goddess are beginning to pop up in popular culture.

The one thing that still seems to elude us is organization. I've tried different approaches - GoGoddess, the Goddess wiki - but I can't seem to get wimmin to participate. Everybody is keeping their work to themselves so they can publish it. We've all been socialized not to trust our sisters. Breaking down those protective walls is essential, but I can't figure out how to do it. Any ideas?

Mike said...

Isn't this a little bit over-optimistic?

Athana said...


First, what's overly optimistic is to think we even have 20 years left to make the god-to-goddess switch. We really need to do it within the next ten years -- or less.

Second, a timeline is not something set in stone. It's a tool ya use to reach a goal. It gets your mind focused on the steps you need to go through in order to reach the finish line.

I suppose people who are terrified of being wrong probably see timelines as the boogey man. But strength lies in knowing that changing your mind can be, and usually is, a sign of strength, not weakness. As yu take in new data about the world, it's only natural that your thinking will change. If not, you need to figure out why.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Just by reading this I want to do some research on the Goddess religion, I'm not a deeply religious person but this has really interested me.

SOPKA said...

I remember the anti-war song by Buffy St Marie or was St John the Eternal Soldier. It was a favorite because as a soldier I believed in taking responsibility for my part in war. I was in the military to earm money for college. I was not the favored child and so I had to relie on myself to educate my brain. One thing the military taught is that I never again was I impressed by male organizational skill. Logistics are carried out by famale grunts. In college I worked as a maid to feed myself and youth mistakes toys, 1st husband. But I have never been impressed by the rich or upper class since. I am working class I saw what it is like for men and women to really work I am sorry I was not impressed the overworked rich. Working class work year round with usually no vacation, children eat that up. I cannot be impressed by people who can pick up for weeks at a time to play in other countries. We need a goddess for the working class. The norse had a Goddess for Cooks and maids we need to take old goddess and re vamp them for the working people. I have read books about a goddess being a girls best friend they deal with stuff the worried well off care about self-esteem and other neurosis. The poor and the working class need a goddess to pray to when they need a rest from fifteen hour day. Like my friend said someone to pray to for a sprained ankle at least to get a couple weeks off for workman's comp. Beleive me all the major religions are telling them to buck-up suffer like Christ in quiet. While giving them sanctioned victims when they cannot swallow the anger anymore.
In america unless you are born well off you need a divine force behind and not for peace but to get food on the table. When I became a pagan I Choose Goddesses that deal within the everyday It is hard think about Peace when Overtime does exist. WE need books on activist socialist labour goddess or We the unwashed masses will be lost. Most people stay with the devil known when given no divine force that works