Monday, October 23, 2006

2nd Strike Group to Iran

DEBKAfile reports: Tuesday, Oct. 17. The Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group steamed into the Persian Gulf to join the US naval, air and marine concentration piling up opposite Iran’s shores.

DEBKAfile seems to be an Israeli website. Have you heard anything on the American mainstream news about this? I certainly haven't. No one seems to be talking much at all about Iran. Hm. Wouldn't it be a nice October Surprise to find that, right before America streams to the polls, we're in a war with Iran?

One thing's for certain: Shrub the Privileged-Class Multimillionaire is going to surprise us with something he thinks we unwashed rank and file will fall for. Let's not let him fool us again.

And when the Surprise hits, make sure to tell all your middle-of-the-road friends that The Shrub thinks they're too stupid to see what he's doing.


Anne Johnson said...

My husband heard in on "Air America" about two weeks ago. But that report said that the ship commanders were rebelling because they had no authorization from Congress. I don't know. If he dares bomb Iran, or dares to force Iran to do a Pearl Harbor, I think almost everyone will see right through it.

I am skeptical because I still believe in the mainstream media. I read the newspaper every day, and I doubt if the big ones would shy from reporting this. If it happens under the media's nostrils, I'll never trust the 4th estate again.

Athana said...

anne, what your husband heard was about the Ike-STrike group leaving for Iran on Oct. 2. Which would put them in Iran about now. This Iwo Jima group is a second, different, additional strike group.

I wish I felt I could trust the mainstream media. But they're all owned now by the Big Guys. That happened when Reagan made it legal to own more than a few media at a time. I can't remember what set of laws he struck down, but whatever they were, he wrecked the 4th estate's ability to be unbiased.

I think if the Big Guys who own the media begin to see that Bush is hurting them, then they'll let their individual outlets report the truth. I can see CNN all of a sudden turning sharply away from the NeoCons.

Let me ask you this: in the papers you read, what's the percentage of liberal columnists an commentators?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Athana, thanks again for all the help, but I do wonder (just because I come from a help-oriented background) that maybe you might be going a bit "overboard" on your Iran fears & forecasts because likely you felt you were "duped" on the Iraq war? I'd truly understand if you didn't want to be fooled again and probably feel bad you
likely supported the original Iraqi invasion, but I think that right now most of us are smarter and more aware now. (so I agree with anne johnson) Anyway, I truly hope you're wrong in your feelings/predictions. Carolina

Athana said...


Thanks for your concern.

I think you and most of my readers are smart enough to see through any “surprise” that happens between now and Nov. 7. But I’m not so sure about the rest of America. That’s why I’m asking you to broadcast the probability of a “Surprise” to all your less-aware friends, family and neighbors. So they, too – like you – will see it for what it is when it comes.

Frankly, I did believe Bush when he said Saddam Hussein was close to developing nuclear weapons. And, I have felt duped because of it. But I’m shoving the possibility of a surprise Iran attack down your throat for one reason, and one reason only: I think this nation is in deep trouble if Democrats don’t win on Nov. 7. And if Iran “attacks” us (because Bush secretly provokes it) right before we vote, I’m afraid many Americans will vote to keep the status quo.

You know that phrase “You don’t know what you have til you lose it”? I think that’s happening to us right now.

In an Oct. 23 post, Echidne of the Snakes says, “In some ways the progressives have already lost the most important battles of all, over the Supreme Court appointments. It's hard to get excited over them, as there is nary a breast in sight, and it's hard to see why it might matter who wears those black dressing-gowns. But that's who adjusts the blueprints of our lives, who decides if we can get compensated for a wrong done against us, who decides if we can sue a vast corporation and have any kind of fair chance of winning. If we can have habeas corpus over our own bodies or if it's perfectly legal for us to just disappear one lonely and windy night, never to be seen again….”