Saturday, November 01, 2008


My Dear Fellow Americans,

If you want four more years like the last eight, vote for this man, Mr. John McCain.


Beverly said...

I honestly don't think I've seen one good photo of this guy. But this is definitely the worst. Yeah, like we need another Bush!

Athana said...

I agree, beverly, this is not one of Mr. McCain's better photos. It looks as if he might be in the middle of one of his infamous temper tantrums.

Ah! One more reason one might consider voting for Mr. John: what the world most certainly needs right now is a leader who has never learned to keep the lid on his smokestack.

Athana said...

I agree, beverly, this is not one of Mr. McCain's better photos. It looks as if he might be in the middle of one of his infamous temper tantrums.

Ah! One more reason one might consider voting for Mr. John: what the world most certainly needs right now is a leader who has never learned to keep the lid on his smokestack.