Friday, January 19, 2007


"Richard Dawkins’s nice way of deploring both Islam and Christianity is well meant, but it is folly. Not all religions are equally dangerous...." MORE>>>>

(Remember Richie Dawkins? He's the dude who said Jehovah was “the most unpleasant character in all fiction: ... a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynist, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully”. See more reviews of his The God Delusion on]
Thnx to mavvamp for the foto


Anonymous said...

Great photos as ever. I like some of Dawkins ideas, like the selfish gene and the meme, but his atheism always felt like religion to me.

Morgaine said...

I'm not a Dawkins fan. I have sound and rational reasons for being a Pagan and worshipping my Goddess and I don't appreciate being dismissed as "superstitious" by someone who is cut off from Nature. If he'd distinguish between Goddess religions and the Yaj groups, I'd have no problem with him, but he doesn't, and I'm quite sure he has dismissed us without studying us.

Athana said...

I think most atheists are atheists simply because they've been taught that Yaj (the god Yahweh-Allah-Jehovah) is a synonym for religion. A good definition of 'atheist' is 'one who's disgusted and repelled by Yaj and thinks all other spirituality is something you read about in old anthropology texts. And like pignut, I think all atheists have their own relgion. Whatever you use to explain where we came from, where we go after we die, and why we're here in the first place -- that's your religion.

Anonymous said...

The trouble with atheism
free documentary

some evangelical agnostics would be nice, they could knock on people's doors and say "I just don't know" :-)

Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac?

She lay awake at night wondering if there was a dog :-)

Athana said...

Pignut, you are the first person to bring an actual joke to this blog. For this I bestow upon you RGT’s “Tickle My Funnybone” Award.

Morgaine said...

That's a good one. Generally speaking, I'd prefer someone believe in something rather than nothing, but I support everyone's right to believe nothing. I'd like to be far more involved with supporting atheists, but many of them are as black and white in their thinking as the fundies. Everybody is stuck on an either/or teeter-totter and somehow we have to pull them off of it and see the rest of the world.