Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NEW Goddess ZINE

If you haven't stumbled across it yet, you need to: it's a new Goddess e-journal called Goddess Pages: An Online Journal of Goddess Spirituality in the 21st Century, Geraldine Charles, Editor (Associate Editors: Jacqueline Woodward-Smith, Brian Charles).

Here's a snip from one of their articles:


by Anique Radiant Heart

The clerk on the other side of the United Airlines check-in counter registered a look of horrified disbelief as I hefted my first suitcase onto the weighing platform.

“This bag is 30lbs overweight”, she says in a strangled voice. The queue is rather long this morning.

“Ah…these are the trials and tribulations of being a traveling Priestess of the Goddess,” I say with a perfectly straight face. Adding a little strain around the eyes I add “It’s the robes, the cloaks, the head gear, the traveling altar and all the other accoutrements that a decent Priestess must have.”

“But...,” she begins

“And then the CDs, the costumes, the song books etc. for the sacred singing you know,” I continue with a plaintive note creeping into my voice, as I silently beseech the Goddess to come on in and do Her thing here!

She stops her tapping on the keyboard and looks me straight in the eye.…

“Are you serious?" she asks a little uncertainly.

“Oh yes,” I say, bringing my hands together in the prayer position. “I have been traveling for two months and now I’m on my way home, exhausted, but deeply satisfied with my work for the Goddess."

She pauses, and I can almost see the wheels turning as she considers the situation. Either she has a nut case on her hands -- and as she glances behind me at the long queue, she realises that she just does not have the time to deal with a “situation” -- or she has a genuine member of the “clergy” on her hands. She decides.....

MORE >>>>


Anne Johnson said...

That was a very interesting article, and thanks for the link to the zine.

I took my mineral wand with me to jury duty. They put my handbag through a detector like the ones at the airport, so of course the Selenite passed that test. But I wonder if they would have let me into the Hall of Justice if they had seen the wand -- 10 inches long with a narrow tip? I could just imagine explaining to a police officer in one of America's most dangerous cities: "Oh, that's my wand. I'll need to concentrate positive energy to be a good juror."

So. Down in the jury room, I'm crammed in with 250 other people, every seat full. After the orientation ended and things settled down a bit, I took out my wand and began my meditation. The young girl next to me started to ask me how to get outside. Then she noticed the wand and said, "Oh, excuse me," in a kind of perplexed way. (She'd been reading a textbook on abnormal psychology.)

I said, "No problem," told her who to ask about going outside, and returned to my meditation.

She never asked what I was doing, and I didn't volunteer to tell her, because if she was a Christian she would have had to stone me to death (it's in Deuteronomy). I'd hate to put that kind of pressure on such a nice young girl.

alji said...

I have three favourite Godesses, Sophia (see ), Shakti (see ) and Shekinah (see ).

alji said...

I forgot I could do this! Just click on the links