I’m so sorry to say that while YAJ* clergy routinely rape the powerless, the YAJ power structure routinely looks the other way. Now here’s a dude who says, “Geezum! Sorry! That’s just the way religious power structures are!”
“Other examples of reprehensible behavior on the part of the Orthodox … involve Orthodox authorities shielding rabbis known to have sexually abused teenagers and children from exposure and prosecution…. Considering that Roman Catholic authorities did likewise …, one can see that the problem is endemic in religious authority structures….” Go HERE for more.
Excuse, please. Maybe that’s how YAJ power structures are, but dude! Don’t dump this dirt on the rest of us! I have yet to get wind of one Goddess priestess/priest who’s raped anything – let alone a child (Goddess forbid!).
What’s more, the Goddess world frowns upon “authority structures” and “power structures” both. Each is a sickness residing in the world of YAJ. And each shoves the Goddess world apart from the blighted, bloated world of YAJ, a world that works night and day to convince us that in the religion department, there’s nothing else for sale but YAJ.
Not. Don’t buy it for a minute. Don’t be hoodwinked by this war to warp your mind. YAJ is not the only religion around, by far.
As a matter of fact, YAJ is not a religion at all. YAJ is a control system, one dead set on controlling you, your mind and your body – a control system so wacko it’s waltzing the whole planet into oblivion.
So for Goddess’ sake, dear readers, don’t ever buy what YAJ has for sale.
For a fuller explanation of all of this, read my book,
Switching to Goddess: Humanity’s Ticket to the Future, out for sale in November of this year. Buy it either at Amazon.com or O-books.com, take your pick.
YAJ is YahwehAllahJehovah. Although most of us see him as three separate gods, he’s actually only one: the god of Abraham. Go check out the Torah, Bible and Koran. They’re really one and the same book featuring, ta da! The main character, the one and only *YAJ*!!!!!!!
Thnx to thirsty for the foto; go
HERE for more.