Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Today, barreling down on us like a comet out of the stratosphere, came a shocker: A British scientist dude says he’s actually deciphered the mysterious ancient Minoan “Phaistos Disk.” 

Ever since it was discovered in 1908 in the Minoan “palace” of Phaistos, in south-central Crete, this ancient disk, dating from around 1700 BC, has been a total mystery. 

For over a century, no one has been able to decode its spiral writing, written in “Minoan A,” the script of the goddess-worshipping ancient Minoans.

Now, scientist Gareth Owens says he “was able to identify three key words” on the disk: 

            IQEKURJA, which [he says] may mean "pregnant mother" and/or "goddess."

            IQE, which may mean "mother" and/or "goddess" and which appears repeatedly on the disk.

            IQEPAJE or IQE-PHAE, which may mean "shining mother" or "goddess."

And the meaning of the entire disk?  Owens thinks it was a prayer to the Minoan Mother Goddess. 

How cool is that? 

Tonight I pulled an old metal replica of the Phaistos Disk out of my jewelry box.  Since I bought it ten years ago in a tiny tourist shop in southern Crete, it’s a bit tarnished.  But I’m going to shine it up, attach a chain, and wear it around my neck.

My own private prayer to the Goddess, lying over my heart always and forever. 

Go HERE to

1 comment:

Athana said...

Anon, my advice: figure out why you're attracting women you don't like, and then change your ways. In the meantime, I'm sorry you've had such back luck with American women. We're not all perfect, that's for certain -- but then women in most other places aren't either.

Good luck to you.
